
News from the Faith & Practice Revision Committee

There Must Be 50 Ways to Use Faith and Practice: #1

The Faith and Practice Revision Committee takes its work very seriously! However, late on the Saturday night of our annual retreat, after three days of intense work, we have been known to run completely amok. We have sometimes gathered around the piano to sing show tunes. Another time we invented a Faith and Practice version of the card game “Apples to Apples.”

It occurred to me recently that a card game that is a favorite at the JHYM retreats: “Awkward Moments” would adapt itself beautifully to the Faith and Practice content. Each hand of Awkward Moments is played with three different kinds of cards: a “Moment” card, “Reaction” cards that players hold in their hands, and a “Decider” card. The dealer turns a Moment card and a Decider card face up. It is up to each player to choose the Reaction card from their hand that best (or most humorously) fits the circumstances. The cards are laid on the table and the dealer selects the winning Reaction card for that round. 

Got it? Now let’s play a round, based on our Interim Faith and Practice. Imagine you are one of the players.

The dealer first turns up the “Moment” card which reads: “You are in Meeting for Worship and someone rises (yet again!) to give an endless rambling message.”

The dealer then turns up the “Decider” card which reads: “What your mother would tell you to do.”

You have in your hand 5 “Reaction” cards that read:

  • Volunteer for child care next week
  • Bring popcorn
  • Think about the flag and apple pie
  • Take your concern to Ministry and Counsel
  • Remember that suffering builds character

Which one would you choose to play?

Everyone lays their Reaction cards down. Sadly, the dealer chooses someone else’s card, that reads: “Make sure you are wearing clean underwear.” 

Better luck next time!

Your Faith & Practice Revision Committee is compiling a lighthearted list titled “There Must Be 50 Ways to Use Faith and Practice.” What would you add to that list? Send your ideas here.