
Message from Gretchen: Hang Out with God—All the Time

Story author
Gretchen Baker-Smith
View looking downward at a pair of feet in turqoise shoes standing in fall leaves

Photo by Cedar Levin, JHYM Retreat, Oct. 2020

Dear Friends,

How are you doing right now? Are you breathing? Are your shoulders off your ears? Are your feet on the ground?

I told my husband Buddy this morning that reading the news first thing in the morning is bad for my breathing right now. I definitely need to get my feet firmly planted in the Light while I drink my cup of coffee and wake up before I take on The Boston Globe. Sometimes it's just too overwhelming.

Every time I catch myself worrying, holding my breath, or lying awake in the middle of the night I am trying to remember to return to the Source, to the Light, to God, to Eternal Love. In a message for Beacon Hill Friends' House's midweek worship series, Joey Hartmann-Dow described it simply as trying to hang out with God all the time. And since God is within us, that can be pretty easy to do.

I'm really liking that phrase: Just try to hang out with God—all the time. In the midst of all of this. (Note: I know that words matter and, especially concerning those of the spirit, are very personal. Please use whatever word works for you, if God does not.)

Planting my feet firmly there gives me courage to gently speak truth, to make another call to an elected representative, to listen to individual people's fears and pain, to receive feedback on where my white privilege is showing up, to be broken-hearted at each instance of injustice, and to laugh wholeheartedly at a JYM child's joke on a Zoom Hangout. Hanging out with God all the time also helps me make time to go for a walk, play some music, stay hydrated, and look at the stars at night. But I can forget in a nanosecond. And when I do, I am so grateful to the many Friends in this Beloved Community who remind me, over and over, to re-center. Who and what helps you remember this?

Please know that I am holding you much Light and Love. I will be sending out a short newsletter next week on ways we can support each other through the days before and after the election. I'll be letting you know of special times for young people to check in or hang out that week. Be in touch. Let me know what would be most helpful. Keep trying to hang out with the Light—all the time.

Much Love,


P.S. We watched the recording of Joey at the JHYM Retreat last weekend. I can't recommend it highly enough. You can see it here.