Order or Download Faith and Practice

This page contains information on print and downloadable editions for both the current Faith and Practice which is in the process of being written, and the 1985 edition of Faith and Practice.

As new material for Faith and Practice receives preliminary approval, it is posted here for downloading free of charge. Printed copies of the supplements can be ordered from the Office at a price of $1.00 each.

Ordering the 2014 Interim Faith and Practice

Print copies of the NEYM Interim Faith and Practice 2014, including a Study Guide, are available by U.S. mail through Vintage Quaker Books.

You can purchase a copy by clicking here. Click here for the larger-print editionNote: You will be redirected to the secure website biblio.com.

To order by mail, send a check for $11 ($13 for the larger-print edition) with a note to:

Vintage Quaker Books
5 Edgett St
Bath ME 04530
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (207) 200-3296

A single pdf file of the book as well as the Study Guide can be downloaded free of charge, below.

1985 Faith and Practice: Online and Print Editions

New England Yearly Meeting's Faith and Practice is also available to download in PDF, below, and can also be purchased as a hardbound book, which NEYM meetings may order at a discounted rate of $7/copy plus shipping and handling from the YM office. Individuals may purchase a copy online through Vintage Quaker Books, or at the NEYM Sessions bookstore in August—but first, check to see if your meeting has copies available.

Please scroll down this page for a link to read Faith and Practice on the website and to find files that you can download.

File Downloads

Booklet version of Study Guide

This is the study guide included in the 2015 printing; it was not included in the original 2014 printing. It is formatted to print 2 pages per side on letter-size paper and fold in half to form a booklet.

2015 Interim Faith & Practice with Study Guide
Study Guide - letter format

This is the same text as the booklet version, but formatted to print one page per sheet of paper.

2019 Supplement: Membership and Dying, Death & Bereavement

Texts approved at Annual Sessions 2019

Booklet version of 2019 Supplement: Membership and Dying, Death & Bereavement

Texts approved at Annual Sessions 2019, formatted to print 2 pages per side on letter-size paper and fold in half to form a booklet

2021 Supplement: Personal Spiritual Practices

This is text that received preliminary approval in 2021

Booklet version of 2021 Supplement: Personal Spiritual Practices

Text approved at Annual Sessions 2021, formatted to print 2 pages per side on letter-size paper and fold in half to form a booklet

2022 Supplement: Chapter on Marriage

New text approved August 10, 2022

1985 Faith & Practice

letter format

2023 Supplement: Chapter on Ministry & Counsel

Chapter given preliminary approval at 2023 Sessions.

2024 Supplement: Introduction to Faith & Practice

Text given preliminary approval at 2024 Sessions