A Peculiar People and Remaining Chapters to Faith and Practice

This text is from the 2014 Interim edition of Faith and Practice, the book that provides guidance for Friends in New England Yearly Meeting.

A Peculiar People and

Moving Forward to the Remaining Chapters: The Integration of Faith and Life

In 2003 the Faith and Practice Revision Committee wrote and distributed “A Peculiar People” as “a window for the Yearly Meeting into the work we are doing.” We hoped it would describe the unity of faith and life we wanted to convey in the revision. Eleven years later, we have been asked to consider including it somehow in the book and we welcome your reflections on this idea. Send your thoughts to [email protected].

In 2013 we articulated the seed of a new approach to the rest of the book in our document “Travels with Testimonies.” After further discernment this year, in June 2014 the Committee approved “Moving Forward to the Remaining Chapters: The Integration of Faith and Life” to articulate how we hope to proceed.