
Weekly Taizé Service Online

Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.


Taizé is a style of worship that comes out of an ecumenical monastic order in central France with a strong devotion to peace and justice through prayer and meditation. 

Prayer and silence are at the heart of the Taizé experience, making it very compatible with Quaker practice. The singing of distinctive and much-repeated prayer chants during candlelit prayer services is one of its trademarks. Taizé music highlights simple phrases, usually lines from the Psalms or other pieces of scripture, repeated or sung in canon. The repetition is designed to help meditation and prayer.

Peter Bishop (Mt Toby, MA, Friends Meeting) offers this Zoom service, which includes recorded chants, spoken prayers and readings, and about 20 minutes of traditional Quaker silent waiting worship.

To receive the Zoom access information, email Peter Bishop.