The NEYM Earthcare Ministry Committee is hosting an online book discussion of Church of the Wild: How Nature Invites Us into the Sacred by Victoria Loorz. Those of us on the committee were thrilled to find a resource that combined our Quaker faith with our knowledge of our kinship with all creation. We’ll gather for five Thursdays at noon, February 13, 20, and 27, and March 6 and 13. The main part of the discussion will be for the first hour and for those who wish to keep sharing, we’ll stay open for another half hour. We will discuss chapters 1 and 2 at the first session.
Please share this notice with your Quaker circles. If possible, register by February 4 to help with planning. Register for the zoom link.
When faced with an overwhelming draw to worship outdoors, Victoria’s vocation as a Christian minister shifted from the confines of a church to dive deeply into the sanctuary of the natural world. Eventually she co-founded the “Wild Church Network” and “Seminary of the Wild.” The practice of conversation is at the heart of the book—conversation with the natural world, with the Divine, and with one another. Church of the Wild explores the author's concept of “the wild roots of faith,” and helps us deepen our commitment to a suffering earth, by falling in love with it—and calling it church. She beautifully weaves her journey into the wild with understandings of her faith. Please join us for a deeper discussion of how our spiritual practice informs our conversation with Earth and all her beings to generate healing within ourselves and the world.