When life gives you lemons, try LYMSE! Local Youth Ministers Supporting Each other Are you...
- providing child care during Worship
- teaching First Day School
- leading a youth group
... or otherwise engaged in youth ministry at your monthly meeting or within your local area?
Let's come together to share ideas/resources, lift up our successes, and brainstorm creative approaches to challenges.
This session we will be particularly focusing on drumming up new year enthusiasm.
6:50–7:05 Welcome
7:05–7:10 Introductions
7:10–7:20 Gathering Worship
7:20–7:25 Show and Tell
7:25–7:50 Breakout Room Check-ins (rose, thorn & bud)
7:50–8:00 Closing Worship
Email [email protected] if you have an activity or resources that you would like to share for Show and Tell :)
Looking forward to learning from and with you!