
Vassalboro Quarterly Meeting

November 2, 2024


Cobscook Institute
10 Commissary Point Rd
Trescott TWP, ME 04652
United States

Open Map


This will be a hybrid meeting of Friends from Vassalboro Quarter and beyond, with Meeting for Worship, Meeting for Business, and an opportunity to learn about the history & current work of the Maine Indian-Tribal State Commission (MITSC).

We hope you will join us at the Cobscook Institute in Trescott or on Zoom!

Kindly let us know if you plan to attend in-person or via Zoom, so we can plan accordingly: Cobscook Co-clerks: Beth Clifford and Janet Weston.

Schedule for the day

8:30 – Coffee, tea & muffins
9:00 – Welcome & Introductions
9:15 – Meeting for Worship
10:15 – Break
10:30 – Meeting for Worship for the Conduct of VQM Business
12:00 – Lunch – Cobscook Friends will provide bread & soups/chili (please bring cheese, fruit, or desserts to share)

1:30 – The Maine Indian-Tribal State Commission (MITSC) Priority Focus Areas –an overview of the history & current work of MITSC with Rachel Bell, MITSC Projects Director.
MITSC is an independent inter-governmental entity, created in 1980 as part of the Maine Indian Claims Settlement. In its broadest sense, MITSC is tasked with supporting effective Tribal-State relations. Current priority focus areas are i) improving the Settlement Act’s effectiveness & Tribal-State relations; ii) education & Outreach; iii) natural resources protection; iv) sustaining cultures; and v) economic & revenue development.

3:00 – Closing reflections, clean-up & departures

Childcare: If childcare is needed, please contact Beth Clifford at 214-4988 or [email protected] as no children’s program is currently planned.

Home hospitality: We are a small meeting, and limited but gracious home hospitality for 8-12 people is available on Friday and/or Saturday nights.  For home hospitality, please contact Janet Weston.

Accommodation is also available at Heartwood Lodge at the Cobscook Institute. The rooms at Heartwood Lodge sleep up to four people.