
Hand in Hand: Aging Together in the Spirit

A three-part online series
September 4, 2024
September 11, 2024
September 18, 2024
Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


This three-part online series offers live and interactive engagement with Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s End of Life Working Group’s new resource, A Tender Time: Quaker Voices on the End of Life.

A Tender Time is a unique collection of Quaker voices, historical and contemporary, that explores practical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of aging, dying well, and making end-of-life decisions guided by the Spirit and Quaker values. It moves in widening circles, from aging to dying, and from primary caregivers, to friends, to the whole faith community.

This program includes three sessions, inviting Friends into the themes of the book:

September 4: Aging in the Spirit—Finding Your Own Way
How do cultural, familial, and personal assumptions about aging affect you? Together we will look at new ways you could frame your experience of age, recognizing both losses and grace.

September 11: Befriending Your Mortality
What models of dying—uncomfortable and/or beautiful—have you encountered? Together we will look at how you might choose to frame a good death.

September 18: Beyond Death: Continuing Relationships
A relationship does not end when someone dies. Together we will discover ways to affirm connection and make meaning after a death.