Contributions Criteria Working Group

The purpose of the Contributions Criteria Working Group is to establish simple criteria to be used by the Yearly Meeting each year to choose organizations—if any—for financial contributions from NEYM. The criteria will align with the minuted core purposes and priorities of NEYM and take into consideration what rises during regular discernment of the Funding Priorities Process and Meeting for Listening.

Once the criteria are established and approved by Permanent Board, the working group will transition its work to applying the criteria and naming how to distribute the annual total budgeted amount designated by Finance Committee for an initial trial period of two years. This initial period is designed both to test the usefulness of the criteria and to consider what body might best hold the ongoing listening and periodic review of the criteria and distribution of yearly meeting contributions.


At the December 9, 2023, Permanent Board meeting, minute PB 23-66 notes that Coordinating and Advisory proposed to bring a recommendation of a charge for the Contributions Criteria Working Group for the February 10, 2024, Permanent Board meeting.

Permanent Board established the Financial Contributions Working Group which reported on its work at the April 2, 2022, meeting of Permanent Board (PB 22-26). The report raised additional questions and recommended that Finance Committee determine, annually, the total budget amount—if any—for contributions to outside organizations. Permanent Board approved this approach (PB Minutes from April 2, 2022).

Finance Committee had asked Permanent Board at its May 15, 2021, meeting to create a financial contributions working group (PB minutes of May 15, 2021 PB 21-42) . Specifically, the Finance Committee sought guidance regarding:

  1. Is financial support of FGC, FUM and FWCC part of the living ministry of NEYM? Is level funding of FGC, FUM and FWCC appropriate? What criteria should be used to make these large gifts?
  2. What active role is NEYM playing in each of these organizations? Would support of these organizations be more meaningfully done at a monthly meeting or personal level?
  3. Are the nominal donations to outside organizations meaningful for NEYM? What criteria should the Committee use to determine which organizations to include for such gifts?

Finance Committee is clear that how that amount is allocated is outside the scope of its work.

Membership: Three individuals with a concern for standards of financial practice, understanding of the purpose and work of the Yearly Meeting within New England and beyond, ability and willingness to consult with Friends across the Yearly Meeting as needed, skill at distilling complex ideas into concise and clear language.

Responsibilities: To consult broadly, as is useful. To establish simple criteria for the vetting of candidate recipients of NEYM contributions. For the 2-year trial period, to determine the distribution of contributions; i.e., of the amount that Finance Committee names for contributions, what organizations will get what amount. To make recommendations for what ongoing body might best hold the final process for listening and periodic review (e.g., every 3 to 5 years) of the decision process for distribution of Yearly Meeting contributions.

Guidance about Working Group timelines

  • To bring a progress report to affirm or modify this charge by May 2024
  • To bring an interim report of initial recommendations to Permanent Board for review and input by December 2024
  • To make recommendations regarding implementation of the decision process for a 2-year trial period, to set annual distribution of NEYM contributions
  • To periodically bring suggested changes to Permanent Board for approval
  • To bring a final recommendations to Permanent Board for an ongoing structure for this body at the end of the 2-year trial period.

Guidance for framing criteria, from Coordinating and Advisory:

  1. Consultation with Friends throughout the YM will be an important aid to the development of widely accepted criteria.
  2. The criteria to prioritize NEYM contributions should align with the minuted priorities and core purposes of NEYM.
  3. The criteria should take into account the differing values that inform Friends’ prioritization of different organizations, and the nature of the relationship between NEYM and the organization.
  4. The working group should review and thoughtfully consider the recommendations of the 2022 Financial Contributions working group as set forth in minute PB 22-26 and the working group’s report in advance documents for the April 2, 2022 PB meeting. For example, the following queries:
    a.    “What does it mean to be a member of these other organizations?”
    b.    “How can Friends flexibly respond to needs in the world?”
    c.    “What percent of our budget do we give away?”
    d.    “Who do we feel called to give it to?”
    e.    “Who are ‘we’ that are the people doing the giving? Are there Friends and neighbors close at hand who desperately need our help?”

Supervision: Under the care of Permanent Board, and in consultation with the clerk of Finance Committee.

Measures of Success:

  1. A consultative process that creates space for perspectives to be considered including from Friends of different generations, Friends who hold concern for NEYM’s financial health, and Friends who hold a concern for NEYM’s relationship to other Quaker organizations.
  2. A written report, in consultation with the Finance Committee, offering clear and actionable guidance, approved by Permanent Board.
  3. Overseeing ongoing consultation and listening for a period of two years to test the usefulness of the proposed criteria, setting annual distribution of NEYM contributions during the trial period, and for discernment around what body of Friends, with what qualifications, might be called to this work for an extended period of time.

Initial, vetted recommendations for decision criteria to Permanent Board: December 2024

Date projected to complete work: May 2026

Process for laying down: By Permanent Board following completion of Measures of Success.