Naming Committee


The Naming Committee identifies Friends with the gifts, skills, and experience needed to serve as Yearly Meeting Nominators (including Nominating Clerk, Nominating Recording Clerk, and Nominating Rising Clerk), invites them into service, and brings their names to the Yearly Meeting for approval.


The Naming Committee shall work with the Permanent Board clerk to host a meeting or other consultative process to identify needs for the next Nominating Committee and Nominating Clerk as well as to gather suggested names. This consultation shall include the perspectives of current Nominating Committee members, members of Coordinating and Advisory, and Friends whose current primary service is with their local meetings.

This Naming process shall also result in the nomination of a Rising Nominating Clerk to serve for one year prior to an expected transition in the Nominating Clerk service. The Naming Committee shall be trained in use of the collaborative nominating tracking tool to ensure awareness of ongoing conversations between individuals and other nominators about service within NEYM.

While the Naming Committee strives to bring nominations for the Nominating Committee members for approval by Annual Sessions, it is more important to faithfully find the right Friends with the right gifts for service. Names may also be brought to the Permanent Board for consideration and approval between Sessions.


Annually, or as needed to allow for intentional transitions in service, the Presiding Clerk and the Permanent Board Clerk shall appoint a 3- to 5-person Naming Committee who shall name the Nominating Committee members to be approved by the Yearly Meeting

Gifts, Skills, Experience:

  • Knowledge of the various aspects of nominating work
  • Awareness of and commitment to inclusive leadership development
  • Care for how the nominating work of the Yearly Meeting can strengthen the life of local meetings
Presiding Clerk
Rebecca Leuchak