New England Yearly Meeting approved undertaking a revision of its 1985 Faith and Practice at its Sessions in 2000, and a Faith and Practice Revision Committee was appointed at its Sessions the following year. These pages convey an overall sense of the committee’s work since 2001 and encourage NEYM Friends' participation in the process.
Faith and Practice Revision Committee
The committee is charged with revising our 1985 Faith and Practice and in the process, encouraging “substantive engagement” with perennial issues essential to the spiritual health of our monthly, quarterly, and Yearly Meeting.
The committee meets for a full day seven times a year and for two overnight work sessions. In addition, it forms smaller working groups as needed. It presents drafts of each chapter to Yearly Sessions and invites comments from committees, meetings, and individuals. It considers these comments and brings a revised draft to Yearly Meeting Sessions either for additional comment or for preliminary approval. Its work will be completed upon final approval of all sections and the publication of the revised book. It welcomes input at any time from committees, meetings, and individuals.
Past Work
Links to past and current work of the committee.
- The committee consists of up to 16 Friends from local meetings in New England.
- Nominations are made by Yearly Meeting Nominating and approved by Sessions. There are no term limits.